Ok, so it’s the end of the year, and I wanted to do a writing assignment on a favorite memory of first grade. But I’m very (as you’ll see with many posts) tired of all of the cliché activities done in school, year after year. I like to think outside the box, just because it keeps me from getting bored!
After looking at the standards for the fourth quarter, I noticed we had to write couplet poetry. So I modeled writing couplets for about a week and gave them some time to practice writing them on their own. Then, I had them brainstorm all of their favorite first grade memories. We made a huge list on chart paper. Then they took one memory from the chart and turned it into a couplet! Covered some required standards and did a sweet end of year activity at the same time! BAM!
I decided to create a picture of a CD on Microsoft Word, and we’re calling it “First Grade’s Greatest Hits.”
You can find a PDF file that you are welcome to use
Each student wrote their couplet on the "CD." It’s not the most exciting thing I’ve ever created, but I think the idea turned out to be really cute! Until I figure out how to post a Word or PDF version of the stuff I create, just facebook me or e-mail me if you want me to send you a copy! I'll be glad to! They did a really wonderful job coming up with their couplets! Here’s a few of my favorites:
“We had fun centers every day.
But we won’t at the end of May.”
“Halloween Science with Chris was fun!
It excited everyone.”
“Mrs. Guillo is the best teacher ever.
I never want to leave her. Never!”
“We learned a lot and got so smart.
Telling time like a 2nd GRADER was my favorite part!” (a little off on the rhythm there, but cute nonetheless!)
Next year, I hope to do this again but do it a little bit earlier so they can be on display longer. I kind of slacked on the “cutsie-ness” of the display because there’s only TWO WEEKS OF SCHOOL LEFT! (Aaahhh!) I’m going to add to the hallway display by getting a bunch of old (real) CDs and dangling them from the ceiling with fishing line. I might even take a fun picture of the class dressed like rock stars to add some more excitement.
I will post pictures of what it turned out to look like on Monday (I forgot my camera last week!) And the Blogger site has been down so I've been a little behind!
So with the school year quickly coming to an end, what is your favorite thing you do, as a teacher, (or what do you remember doing when you were a student) for an end-of-year activity?